나를 이해해 , will you?

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Don't put others down if they aren't as good at a task as you are, all that truly matters in a situation like that is the effort they put into their assigned task.


basic dni criteria
excessively nsfw
only interested in using people
overly problematic
vent/trauma dump w/o perm
doesn't respect boundaries
falling in love within a single day


ㅤ- I can act like a high idiot
ㅤ- Most often I am more reserved with a calmer demeanor (especially if you are a newer friend).
ㅤ- I do curse a frequently depending on the situation at hand. (I am not the type to use slurs / insults.) only joke insults, unless talking about an agreed upon bad/horrible person)
ㅤ- I make A LOT of mental health jokes, as well as (ex: kms, kys)
ㅤ- I'm emotionally numb <3
ㅤ- HAD A GACHA PHASE (aka im weird)
more srs:
ㅤ- I can vent a lot and seemly at random occasionally it is usually only if we are close. (I apologize to all of you who have heard me vent.)
ㅤ- If something is said that makes you uncomfortable, INFORM ME (please)!!!!
ㅤ- I suck at comforting ( or at least in my opinion )

ㅤㅤㅤBuy me a coffee, will you? Actually ... make that a tea. ㅤ

Not even the purest flower could compare to you, my vine.

" 사랑해. "

She could be as sweet as a sweet pea; or as delicate as a garden rose.
Her eyes as beautiful as soft pink lotuses; she speaks with lips, the color of a carnation.
As dangerous as a pink lycoris; though holding the peace and innocence of a lily
bestow upon me the possibilities of a bright future involving you, shall we face all challenges .... together..... So, my dear Vine, will you accept my rose of my eternal love for you?
🌹 ..... 🥀
Hear my plead. my darling, don't let my flower wilt ...

▶ 관심사

delights (likes) - seeing the people I love, it fills me with a feeling I can only describe as happiness.
enjoyments (likes) - Zuka, Medkit, BB (boombox), Rocket, Vinestaff (characters from phighting) are character I like, Medstaff is a comfort ship of mine, though I do not wish to see it cannon.
them (likes) - these are the people I personally have grown close to; I love them all each way they are different from one another, their likes or dislikes, their personality. All of it is unique to them. Thats what I love so dearly about them, is how diverse they can be from one another, I love them for the way they are.
me (likes) - I would describe myself as a type of quaint man if I may, people are most definitely similar in someways to me, whether that be having emotional numbness, depression, anxiety, (etcetera) in common.
you (likes) - people can be either some of the sweetest or sourest individuals you could ever encounter. It can be a risky gamble, yet most often it can lead to a positive outcome.
clothes (likes) - I tend to enjoy larger clothes, perhaps it is dysphoria, but I have grown attached to a hoodie of mine, I have not taken it off often not even in 100* fahrenheit. It is like a comforting presence, the softness lost, replaced by a rougher texture which oddly I enjoy.
thoughts (likes) - despite everything it is still me. The negative, or positive it all still ends up being me, I do not change, just improve.
tasks (likes) - traditional art will always hold a place in my heart, the way I can control the pencil the way the pencil can flow on a paper, it is all in my control, whilst a more digital approach with a mouse or finger is harder to predict where the lines may end up.

interested in learning korean, mandarin, and polish !!

gloom (dislikes) - sunny days, despite the research make me feel in a dimmer mood, which could be due to heat or just the feeling on my skin
woe (dislikes) - losing those who I have grown close too, it strikes a feeling of grief into my heart, those who have lead me on, I have indeed cried over, despite them being a 'bad' person.
anguish (dislikes) - being used, it is like having your heart torn out. You can love someone all of that person to leave, a empty pit left in its place of that persons so called "love."
distress (dislikes) - stalkers, they are not fun to deal with, people who use others to get closer to an individual is a type of person I personally would consider to be a stalker.
trauma (dislikes) - my family is not the best, I have experience abuse, verbal and physical.
misery (dislikes) - I am pressured by my father to come back to him, yet I can see through his facade. I refuse to go back to that abuse, yet my sister lives with him so I must go back ... one day.
affliction (dislikes) - dysphoria is something I deal with a lot, I take many measures to help with it, but it still remains, a little voice in the back of my head insulting me; overall making me feel disgusting each time I dared look into the mirror to see my reflection.
torment (dislikes) - my mind is a constant tormenting figure in my life; I have found myself even gaining an addiction to pain, the feeling is so pleasurable that I have the need to hurt myself. I've rejected that urge for many, many years. though recently it caught up to me.
complaint (dislikes) - I have found myself hating it when other friends of mine talk negatively about another one of my friends behind their back, it makes me feel uncomfortable and uneasy. I am not a very verbal person when it comes to my issues, so I am usually stuck suffering in silence.

♡ 777 likes • 2 weeks ago

♡ 183 likes • 5 hrs ago

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ; 추가 정보

: few fandoms (extra interests)
WUWA (likes) Scar + MRover
Genshin Impact (likes) - neuvillette
Honkai Star Rail (likes) - sunday !
Phighting (likes) - medkit / zuka !
FPE;S (likes) - engel !
Ramshackle (likes) - stone + skipp ! Sanrio (likes) - little twin stars / !
Omori (likes) - Sunny
Aznana - Aznana + 'Boy'
nintendo (likes) - Kirby
nintendo (likes) - Luigi
roblox / gasa4 (likes) - cashier
roblox / tower hero (likes) - wafer
roblox / mimic (likes) - 正成 楠木
youtuber (likes) - SuperHorrorBro
youtuber (likes) - Astralspiff
youtuber (likes) - Mori
youtuber (likes) - cuptoast
youtuber (likes) - [soybean]()
Artists / music (likes) - Tallyhall
Artists / music (likes) - cavetown
Artists (loves) - evani + moonzy
Artists (likes) - lencer
Artists (likes) - code
Artists (likes) - deko
Artists (likes) - anik
NSFW Artists (likes) - juju
NSFW Artists (likes) - honee
NSFW Artists (likes) - yoma
NSFW Artists (likes) - kouki
NSFW Artists (likes) - noran
NSFW Artists (likes) - crimson
NSFW Artists (likes) - lust